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"Enjine ea Bophelo"——BlackGinol™


"Enjine ea Bophelo"——BlackGinol™


Ho lula u ntse u sebetsa ka nako e telele, ha se feela hore mpa e ntse e bonahala haholoanyane, empa hape mahlo a fifala ha u ema nako le nako ... Matšoao 'ohle a bontša hore mathata a bophelo bo botle ha e sa le "patent" tsa maqheku. Mokhoa oa ho ntlafatsa mathata a bophelo bo botle ka mokhoa o sireletsehileng le ka katleho e se e le sepheo sa tlhokomelo ho batho ba lilemo tsohle.


Ho na le setlama se sa "hlahang" feela haholo lihlahisoa tsa Japane tsa ho theola boima ba 'mele halofong ea pele ea 2023, empa hape e' nile ea sebelisoa ke batho ba Asia Boroa-bochabela ka makholo a lilemo ho ntlafatsa bokhoni ba liatleletiki, ho ntlafatsa matla, le ho imolla lintho tse kulisa [1, 2]. Ke ginger e ntšo, e bitsoang "ginseng ea Thai" naheng ea Thailand 'me e hlahisoa haholo Asia Boroa-bochabela[3]. BlackGinol™ (Black Ginger Extract from BioGin) e ke ke ea potlakisa metabolism ea matla feela le ho khothaletsa ho chesa mafura, empa hape e ntlafatsa mamello ea boikoetliso le ho fokotsa mokhathala.

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Setšoantšo sa1. Rhizome, setlama le palesa ea BlackGinol™

Ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea 'mele: ntlafatsa bokhoni ba liatleletiki le ho ntlafatsa bophelo bo botle le boikoetliso

Ha batho ba ntse ba tsofala, boikoetliso ba bona ba 'mele bo amanang le bophelo bo botle bo tla fokotseha butle-butle, bo ka amanang le tšenyo ea oxidative e bakoang ke li-radicals tsa mahala [4]. Ho ja letsatsi le leng le le leng ha maemo a phahameng a li-antioxidants ho ka khothaletsa ntlafatso ea matla a mesifa ea masapo [5]. BlackGinol™ e ka ntlafatsa bophelo bo botle ba 'mele haholo ka matla a eona a antioxidant. Wattanathorn et al. [6] e fumane hore ho nka 90 mg ea lero la ginger e ntšo letsatsi le leng le le leng bakeng sa libeke tsa 8 ho bontšitse ntlafatso e kholo ea matla a ho ikoetlisa, matla a tlaase a mesifa ea maoto le mamello ea aerobic, le ho matlafatsa matla a antioxidant a 'mele (Letlapa la 1, Figure 2).

Lethathamo la 1: Phello eaK. parvifloramabapi le ho phela hantle mmeleng ho amanang le bophelo bo botle

Mekhahlelo e lekantsoeng


Pele ho tekanyetso

1 khoeli

2 khoeli

Teko ea setopo sa setulo sa metsotsoana e 30. (metsotsoana)


19.13 + 2,79

19.26 + 1,43

18,93 + 1,70




20,66 + 2,28#

6 mets. teko ea maoto (m.)


567.33 + 33,52

598.73 + 31,57

571.26 + 32.05


572,8 + 32,65

575,46 + 34,29

601,26 + 33,70#

Lintlha li ne li le teng e le ± SEM e bolelang (n = 15 / sehlopha). ∗P boleng

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Setšoantšo sa 2. Phello ea KP boemong ba SOD (A), CAT (B) , GSH-Px (C) le MDA (D) ka serum.

Likhutshwafatso: KP,Kaempferia parviflora


Ka hona, BlackGinol ™ e ka ntlafatsa bophelo bo botle ba 'mele ka ho fokotsa khatello ea oxidative mme e ka sebelisoa e le tlatsetso ea bophelo bo botle ho ntlafatsa boikoetliso ba' mele. E ka ntlafatsa matla a 'mele a antioxidant, ea laola metabolism ea matla, le ho matlafatsa mamello ea aerobic le matla a mesifa. Mochine o bontšitsoe setšoantšong sa 3.

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Setšoantšo sa 3. Sets'oants'o sa moralo se bonts'itse ketso e ka bang teng ea BlackGinol™ ho matla a mesifa ea lipheletso tse tlase le mamello ea aerobic.

Bopa 'mele o phetseng hantle: eketsa tšebeliso ea matla le ho fokotsa sebaka sa mafura

BlackGinol™ e na le molemo o mong hobane e ka laola le ho khothaletsa metabolism ea matla. Motsoako o saenneng oa BlackGinol™ 5,7-dimethoxyflavone, o ka potlakisa metabolism le phallo ea mali, ka tsela eo e ja matla, haholo bakeng sa mafura a ka mpeng (mafura a mahlo le mafura a ka tlase ho letlalo). Sena se ile sa bontšoa ke thuto ea Yoshino S et al. [14] (Setšoantšo sa 4).

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Setšoantšo sa4. Liphetoho sebakeng sa mafura ka mpeng ka mor'a ho ja lijo tsa letsatsi le letsatsi tsa teko.

Likhutšoaane: SFA, sebaka sa mafura a subcutaneous; TFA, sebaka sa mafura kaofela; VFA, sebaka sa mafura a visceral.


Leha ho le joalo, liphuputso li bontšitse hore litaba tsa flavonoids tse ntšo tsa turmeric tse tsoang litsong tse fapaneng li fapana haholo. Joalo ka lijo tsa bophelo bo botle, litaba tse tloaelehileng tsa 5,7-dimethylflavone ka moqomong oa ginger rhizome ha oa lokela ho ba ka tlase ho 2.5%.

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Setšoantšo sa 5.Kaempferia parviflora le karolo ea eonaBlackGinol™

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BioGin Health e ka fa bareki BlackGinol™ ka litaba tse fapaneng tsa 5,7-dimethoxyflavonoids. Lisebelisoa tse tala li tsoa mapolasing a tikoloho ea Thailand a lemang ginger e ntšo, 'me boleng ba sehlahisoa bo laoloa ka thata ho tsoa mohloling. Litharollo tse felletseng tsa sehlahisoa sa BioGin Health li hlahisoa ho sebelisoa liforomo tse tharo tse kholo tsa theknoloji: MSET®semela se thehiloeng, SOB/SET® semela se thehiloengle BtBlife® semela se thehiloeng . Lisebelisuoa tse sebelisoang li sebelisa ka tieo mokhoa oa ho tsebahatsa mehato e mengata (ID) - ho kenyeletsoa motsoako oa mekhoa e 'meli kapa ho feta ea tlhahlobo ea litšupiso. Ka nako e ts'oanang, re na le tšebelisano ea nako e telele le mekha ea boraro e ikemetseng e tsebahalang lefatšeng ka bophara, joalo ka NSF, Eurofins, Chroma Dax le Tsamaiso ea Lijo le Lithethefatsi ea China, 'me lihlahisoa tsa rona li na le litlaleho tse felletseng tsa tlhahlobo ea kantle. Lihlahisoa tsohle lia lateloa, lia tšoarella, lia netefatsoa, ​​'me li netefalitsoe ke boleng!




[[1]] SAOKAEW S, WILAIRAT P, RAKTANYAKAN P, le ba bang. Liphello tsa meriana ea Krachaidum (Kaempferia parviflora): Tlhahlobo e hlophisitsoeng [J]. J Evid-Based Compl Alt Med, 2017, 22 (3): 413-428. doi: 10.1177/ 2156587216669628.


[2] PICHEANSOONTHON C, KOONTER S. Lintlha tsa mofuta oa Kaempferia L. (Zingiberaceae) naheng ea Thailand [J]. J Thai Trad Altern Med, 2008, 6(1): 73–93.


[3] KOBAYASHI H, SUZUKI R, SATO K, et al. Phello ea Kaempferia parviflora extract ho knee osteoarthritis [J]. J Nat Med, 2018, 72 (1): 136-144. doi: 10.1007/s11418-017-1121-6.


[4] M. De la Fuente, "Liphello tsa li-antioxidants ho tsamaiso ea 'mele ea ho itšireletsa mafung," European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, vol. 56, no. 3, maq. S5–S8, 2002.


[5] M. Cesari, M. Pahor, B. Bartali et al., "Li-Antioxidants le ts'ebetso ea 'mele ho batho ba hōlileng: thuto ea Invecchiare in Chianti(InCHIANTI)," American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, vol. 79, no. 2, leqepheng la 289–294, 2004.


[6] WATTANATHORN J, MUCHIMAPURA S, TONG-UN T, et al. Phello e ntle ea ho feto-fetoha ha tšebeliso ea libeke tse 8 ea Kaempferia parviflora mabapi le ho phela hantle 'meleng le boemo ba oxidative ho baithaopi ba tsofetseng ba phetseng hantle [J]. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med, 2012, 2012: 732816. doi: 10.1155/2012/732816.