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"Health Engine"——BlackGinol™


"Health Engine"——BlackGinol™


Sitting still at work for a long time, not only does the belly become more and more obvious, but also the eyes go dark when you stand up from time to time... All signs show that health problems are no longer the "patent" of the elderly. How to safely and effectively improve health problems has become the focus of attention for people of all ages.


There is a herb that not only "appears" most in Japan's weight loss products in the first half of 2023, but has also been used by the people in Southeast Asia for centuries to enhance athletic ability, improve energy, and relieve allergies[1, 2]. It is black ginger, which is called "Thai ginseng" in Thailand and is mainly produced in Southeast Asia[3]. BlackGinol™ (Black Ginger Extract from BioGin) can not only accelerate energy metabolism and promote fat burning, but also improve exercise endurance and reduce fatigue.

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Fig1. Rhizome, herb, and flower of BlackGinol™

Optimize physical performance: enhance athletic ability and improve health and fitness

As people age, their health-related physical fitness will gradually decline, which may be related to oxidative damage caused by free radicals [4]. Daily intake of high levels of antioxidants can promote the improvement of skeletal muscle strength [5]. BlackGinol™ can significantly improve the health of the body through its antioxidant capacity. Wattanathorn et al. [6] found that taking 90 mg of black ginger extract daily for 8 weeks showed significant improvement in exercise capacity, lower limb muscle strength and aerobic endurance, and significantly enhanced antioxidant capacity of the body (Table 1, Figure 2).

Table 1: Effect of  K. parviflora on health related physical fitness

Measured parameters



1 month

2 month

30-second chair stand test. (sec)


19.13 + 2.79

19.26 + 1.43

18.93 + 1.70




20.66 + 2.28#

6 min. walk test (m.)


567.33 + 33.52

598.73 + 31.57

571.26 + 32.05


572.8 + 32.65

575.46 + 34.29

601.26 + 33.70#

Data were present as mean ± SEM (n = 15/group). ∗P value <0.05 compared to placebo, #P value <0.05 compared to baseline

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Fig 2. Effect of KP on level of SOD(A), CAT (B) , GSH-Px (C) and MDA (D) in serum.

Abbreviations: KP, Kaempferia parviflora


Therefore, BlackGinol™ can enhance physical fitness by reducing oxidative stress and can be used as a health supplement to improve physical fitness. It can effectively improve the body's antioxidant capacity, regulate energy metabolism, and enhance aerobic endurance and muscle strength. The mechanism is shown in Figure 3.

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Fig 3. Schematic diagram illustrated the possible action of BlackGinol™ on muscle strength of lower extremities and aerobic endurance.

Shape a healthy body: increase energy consumption and reduce fat area

BlackGinol™ has another benefit because it can regulate and promote energy metabolism. The signature ingredient of BlackGinol™ 5,7-dimethoxyflavone, can accelerate metabolism and blood circulation, thereby consuming energy, especially for abdominal fat (visceral fat and subcutaneous fat). This was demonstrated by a study by Yoshino S et al. [14] (Figure 4).

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Fig4.  Changes in abdominal fat area after daily intake of test food.

Abbreviations: SFA, subcutaneous fat area; TFA, total fat area; VFA, visceral fat area.


However, studies have shown that the content of black turmeric flavonoids from different origins varies greatly. As a health food, the standard content of 5,7-dimethylflavone in black ginger rhizome extract should not be less than 2.5%.

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Fig 5. Kaempferia parviflora and its extract BlackGinol™

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BioGin Health can provide customers with BlackGinol™ with different 5,7-dimethoxyflavonoids contents. The raw materials come from ecological farms in Thailand that grow black ginger, and the product quality is strictly controlled from the source. BioGin Health's full range of health product solutions are produced using three major technology platforms: MSET® plant-based, SOB/SET® plant-based and BtBLife® plant-based. The raw materials used strictly implement a multi-step identification (ID) process - including a combination of two or more reference analysis processes. At the same time, we have long-term cooperation with globally recognized independent third parties, such as NSF, Eurofins, Chroma Dax and China Food and Drug Administration, and our products have comprehensive external inspection reports. All products are traceable, sustainable, verifiable, and quality guaranteed!




[[1]] SAOKAEW S, WILAIRAT P, RAKTANYAKAN P, et al. Clinical effects of Krachaidum (Kaempferia parviflora): A systematic review [J]. J Evid-Based Compl Alt Med, 2017, 22(3): 413–428. doi: 10.1177/ 2156587216669628.


[2] PICHEANSOONTHON C, KOONTER S. Notes on the genus Kaempferia L. (Zingiberaceae) in Thailand [J]. J Thai Trad Altern Med, 2008, 6(1): 73–93.


[3] KOBAYASHI H, SUZUKI R, SATO K, et al. Effect of Kaempferia parviflora extract on knee osteoarthritis [J]. J Nat Med, 2018, 72(1): 136–144. doi: 10.1007/s11418-017-1121-6.


[4] M. De la Fuente, “Effects of antioxidants on immune systemageing,” European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, vol. 56, no. 3,pp. S5–S8, 2002.


[5] M. Cesari, M. Pahor, B. Bartali et al., “Antioxidants and physical performance in elderly persons: the Invecchiare in Chianti(InCHIANTI) study,” American Journal of Clinical Nutrition,vol. 79, no. 2, pp. 289–294, 2004.


[6] WATTANATHORN J, MUCHIMAPURA S, TONG-UN T, et al. Positive modulation effect of 8-week consumption of Kaempferia parviflora on health-related physical fitness and oxidative status in healthy elderly volunteers [J]. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med, 2012, 2012: 732816. doi: 10.1155/2012/732816.