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Why choose Alilife Flax Lignans?


Why choose Alilife Flax Lignans?


AlaLife Flax Lignans is a standardized flaxseed extract with high quality of lignans-secoisolariciresinol diglucoside(SDG). Being phytoestrogens, TM AlaLife Flax lignans may benefit on preventing and relieving menopausal symptoms, obesity, breast cancer, bone loss in women, precluding and treating prostate disease and hair loss in men. It may also manage plasma lipid ,help cardiovascular health manage body weight.

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Feature of AlaLife Flax Lignans:


High Quality SDG

The only flax lignans with a SDG 40% concentration currently, the potency of SDG is 1600 time higher than the conventional flax extracts and 2 time than other brand flax lignans 20% SDG .

Strong antioxidant

TM The ORAC value of AlaLife flax lignans at 40%SDG is nearly 7000 moleTE/g by analysis. It is almost equal to some well-known strong antioxidant products, such as the extract of bilberry, grape and so on.



It is extracted mainly by water, so there is no residue of acetone and other organic solvent. and the product is easy to soluble in water.


Nutrient Benefits Pharmacological Effect


For Women's Health

Flax lignans are phytoestrogens which have significant effect to balance estrogen level in women. Researches and clinical evidences have shown that flax lignans can relieve or delay menopause symptoms, support breast health and have positive effects on the lipoprotein profile and bone density, balance mood and protect against depression for menopausal women.


Weight management

Flax lignans are phytoestrogens and can help balance estrogen level in body and help regulate fat metabolism. BioGin had done a study on the efficacy of SDG against obesity. After ten days' taking orally of EvneCare capsule produced by BioGin(80mg SDG/day), results showed 0.78% 3.07% decrease of weight. No side effect was found.


Benefit for breast health

Lignans SDG can compete with human estrogen by binding to ligand

binding domain(LBD) of ER, the weak estrogen activity of lignans may

express the anti-estrogen effect. Higher dietary lignans (SDG) intake can

significantly lower the risk of breast cancer in the studied cohort(David

1997). Another study showed that daily intake of SDG can significantly

reduce tumor cell proliferation, increase apoptosis, and affect tumor cell signaling by decrea


Benefit for breast health Lignans

SDG can compete with human estrogen by binding to ligand binding domain(LBD) of ER, the weak estrogen activity of lignans may express the anti-estrogen effect. Higher dietary lignans (SDG) intake can significantly lower the risk of breast cancer in the studied cohort(David 1997). Another study showed that daily intake of SDG can significantly reduce tumor cell proliferation, increase apoptosis, and affect tumor cell signaling by decrea


Amendment effect of fever

After menopause balance of estrogen was breakdown with estrogen degrading, and symptoms of vasomotion-disorder-like such as fever caused by autonomic nerve derangement were liability to occurring. Experiments showed temperature of rats tail upgraded because rats were ovariectomized, temperature upgrading was inhibited for taking SDG and isoflavone, and the effect became more significant for combined with isoflacone and SDG.

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